
Tier: 3

Target for macOS on late-generation x86_64 Apple chips, usable as the x86_64h entry in universal binaries, and equivalent to LLVM's x86_64h-apple-macosx* targets.

Target maintainers


This target is an x86_64 target that only supports Apple's late-gen (Haswell-compatible) Intel chips. It enables a set of target features available on these chips (AVX2 and similar), and MachO binaries built with this target may be used as the x86_64h entry in universal binaries ("fat" MachO binaries), and will fail to load on machines that do not support this.

It should support the full standard library (std and alloc either with default or user-defined allocators). This target is probably most useful when targetted via cross-compilation (including from x86_64-apple-darwin), but if built manually, the host tools work.

It is similar to x86_64-apple-darwin in nearly all respects, although the minimum supported OS version is slightly higher (it requires 10.8 rather than x86_64-apple-darwin's 10.7).

Building the target

Users on Apple targets can build this by adding it to the target list in config.toml, or with -Zbuild-std.

Building Rust programs

Rust does not yet ship pre-compiled artifacts for this target. To compile for this target, you will either need to build Rust with the target enabled (see "Building the target" above), or build your own copy of core by using build-std or similar.


Code built with this target can be run on the set of Intel macOS machines that support running x86_64h binaries (relatively recent Intel macs). The Rust test suite seems to work.

Cross-compilation toolchains and C code

Cross-compilation to this target from Apple hosts should generally work without much configuration, so long as XCode and the CommandLineTools are installed. Targetting it from non-Apple hosts is difficult, but no moreso than targetting x86_64-apple-darwin.

When compiling C code for this target, either the "x86_64h-apple-macosx*" LLVM targets should be used, or an argument like -arch x86_64h should be passed to the C compiler.