

Privacy Policy

Thank you for using Quick RSS! We highly value your privacy and are committed to protecting any personal information you provide while using our application. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information.

Information Collection

Quick RSS is a local application, designed not to collect, store, or process any user data. We do not transmit any information to remote servers or third-party services through Quick RSS.

a. Local Data Storage

b. Log Data

We do not collect any log data or other usage information. Quick RSS operates entirely offline, and all your data actions occur locally on your device.

Data Usage

Quick RSS does not collect, store, or analyze any user information. Therefore, we do not use or share your personal information in any way.

Third-Party Services

Quick RSS is not integrated with any third-party services or advertising platforms. Your information is not shared with or sold to any third party.

Data Security

We take the security of your data seriously. Since Quick RSS does not collect or transmit any data, all your RSS feeds and usage data are securely stored on your device and are protected by your operating system's security measures.

User Control

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. If there are significant changes, we will notify you within the application or on our official website. Please check this page periodically to stay informed of the latest privacy policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or need assistance managing your information, please contact us at:

This policy is effective as of September 13, 2024.