
有时,如需 复制某个值。Clone 特征 可以完成此操作。

fn say_hello(name: String) {
    println!("Hello {name}")

fn main() {
    let name = String::from("Alice");
  • The idea of Clone is to make it easy to spot where heap allocations are occurring. Look for .clone() and a few others like vec! or Box::new.

  • 通常的做法是,先使用 “克隆操作”解决借用检查器问题,在后续通过优化消除这些克隆操作。

  • clone generally performs a deep copy of the value, meaning that if you e.g. clone an array, all of the elements of the array are cloned as well.

  • The behavior for clone is user-defined, so it can perform custom cloning logic if needed.